Saturday, March 3, 2012

Startups are everywhere

I just got back from an event linking dog lovers and those running startups --  It seems I am meeting people everyone who are starting a new business or service.  For example, in addition to the startup I am involved with these days (, my partners are also running a site that sells pickles (, and at the event today I met two more startup founders --a husband and wife team, Chris and Kim Wake, who run a startup for linking people w/ pets who need to run errands w/ those who can help,  ( and Peter Olfe, who runs a site ( that can bookmark locations with your mobile phone.

All of these new businesses and services are great because they have the potential to add tremendous value to our economy by experimenting with new ways to deliver products and services, making it easier for people to do things or to shop on-line.

The mindset to innovate and to think of new ways of providing products and services is what made America the largest economy in the world, and it can turn reverse our deficit and turn our sluggish economy around.

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