Sunday, February 26, 2012

Why art adds value

Why are the arts (music, literature, painting,sculptures) so important to us as humans.  Every civilization has an artistic component to it, and throughout history, artists were paid in one form or another for their work.

Art does not directly contribute to our immediate well being (in the sense of providing food, shelter, clothing), yet it is very highly prized in one form or another (Hollywood is a billion-dollar a year industry, as is the music industry).

So why is it so important?  I would say art connects us w/ each other, with our past, and with the deepest impulses of our nature... in fact I would say all great art in some way tells a story.

Story telling at it's core reminds us that we are not alone, that we are all part of something bigger than ourselves and I think that is part of the attraction of great art, whatever it's form.

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